Site Map
- Home
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- Ministries
- About Us
- Prayer
- Leadership
- Photos
- 2023 Operation Christmas Child
- Trunk or Treat 2018
- Immanuel Easter 2017
- Blessing of the Bikers 2016
- Trunk or Treat 2015
- Youth Group Hayrack Ride 2015
- Youth Group Cook-out & Capture the Flag
- The Gospel Project for Kids Kick-off 2015
- Youth Group
- Immanuel Ladies Christmas Luncheon 2014
- Operation Christmas Child 2014
- Trunk or Treat 2014
- Blessing of the Bikers 2014
- Trunk or Treat 2013
- Awana Packaging with Kids Against Hunger November 2013
- Church Picnic and Baptism Service 2013
- Chicago Dream Center April 2013 Baptisms
- Monmouth Chin Christian Church Dedication Service June 2013
- Blessing of the Bikers 2013
- Immanuel Baptisms 2013
- Immanuel 2012 Living Nativity
- Awana and Kids Against Hunger 2012
- Trunk or Treat 2012
- Awana - Operation Christmas Child 2012
- Awana 2012
- Sunday School Promotion 2012
- Kids Against Hunger Immanuel Location 2012
- Bees Baseball Game 2012
- Declaration Trio Concert July 2012
- Blessing the Bikers 2012
- Heaven's Kitchen July 2012
- 5th Sunday Jubilee Celebration January 2012
- Kids Against Hunger 2012
- Persecuted Church Sunday 2011
- Operation Christmas Child Fundraiser 2011
- Harvest 2011
- Awana Family Meal Time 2011
- Freshman Walkout Monday, August 22, 2011
- BGC Missionaries to Cameroon, Wilondja and Shirley Masengezi, August 13. 2011
- Immanuel's 4th of July Celebration 2011
- Men & Boys Night at the Burlington Bees Baseball Game
- Roof Project Saturday May 7, 2011
- Ladies Dinner and a Movie, May 2,2011
- Blessing of the Bikers 2011
- Easter Sunday Breakfast April 24, 2011
- Nursery Remodel
- Worship Service, February 27th
- Ladies Monday Night Bible Study of Esther - February through April 2011
- February 2011 Snow Storm
- Monmouth Chin Christian Worship Service, February 6, 2011 at Immanuel
- Friendship Sunday Luncheon with Burmese Chin friends
- S.A.L.T. Ministry
- Praise Team
- Faith Stories and Baptisms, January 9, 2011
- Missionary to Japan, Jane Fischer's visit to Immanuel in December 2010
- Christmas Musical - December 2010
- Block Party, Sept. 25, 2010
- All Church Picnic, Sept. 12, 2010
- Prime Beef Festival Parade, Sept 8, 2010
- Parsonage Project Phase Two August 27, 2010
- Summer Golf
- Hilltoppers July 15, 2010
- Tanner's Orchard July 21, 2010
- Sermons
- Genesis 3,4
- Genesis 1,2,3
- Genesis 1,3-4
- Genesis 1,2,3
- Live Stream
- Genesis 1,2,3
- John 14:1-9 I am the Way
- Christmas from ground level Luke 2
- Monmouth - Roseville Madrigal Singers
- Giving - Psalm 100
- Prayer Ephesians 3:14-21
- Prayer - Ephesians 1:15-23
- Converge Mid America
- The Power of Love
- Matthew 15:1-9
- Mark 5:2
- Dealing with Grief and Sorrow
- The Attributes of God
- Where are you in God's Plan
- Consequences of Drifting
- Unselfish
- Servanthood Series
- Servant or ServantHood Romans 12
- ...Yet God
- All Scripture is God Breathed 2
- Yoked with Jesus 2
- Habits and Strongholds 2
- How's Your Relationship 2
- The Foreknowledge of God 2: John 16
- The Church Gathered
- Keep Hope Alive -Romans 5:1-11
- A Pathway Towards Hope
- Pork Belly Prayers - James 5:16
- What Happens When There Is No Test - Judges 2:21 - 3:4=
- Pray for Me - Phillipians 1:3-11
- Mind Your Own Business - This is Our Business
- Live Stream
- Run to not away from 2
- God Covenant Relationship with Us
- What do People Need
- Who Should You Be Associating With
- How Important is the Heart - Proverbs 4:23
- Call Out to Jesus 2
- Only God Creates - Only Good Things
- Jesus is the Ark 2
- Palm Sunday
- An Enemy in the Camp
- Wake Up Call - Zephariah 14:9
- What Makes the Cross Good 2
- Grace 2
- Jesus is in the Boat
- Testimony Day
- Habits and Strongholds - 2 Corinthians 10:4
- Super Hero Mentality
- But It's Not Fair
- Reconciled - Saved - Loved Romans 5:6-11
- Live Stream
- Being Told And Telling Others What To do
- Live Stream
- Monmouth - Roseville Madrigal Singers
- Thanks Be To God
- Grace
- Glory
- The Upside Down Kingdom
- Kingdoms in Conflict - John 18:26
- How Big Is Your God
- What is Wood, Hay, and Stubble? 1 Corinthians 3:10-23
- What Makes The Cross Good - John 1:12-13; John 5:13
- Don't Even Think About It - 1 Samuel 16:7
- Do What He Tells You to do - John 2:1-12
- God Saw that it was Good - Genesis 1;1-30
- Yoked with Jesus
- The Battle - James 4
- All Scripture is God Breathed
- Live Stream
- Run to not away from
- Callout to Jesus
- Humble Yourself
- Moving from IN to FOR
- Abiding - Almost a foreign concept
- Solus Christus
- He must increase - I must decrease
- All I Want is You
- Make Jesus Happy
- Now That's a Prayer
- God's Great Love
- God's Love Is Our Super Power
- Influence
- Controlled Drift
- The Delights of our Heart
- Jesus love Ephesians 3:14-23
- The Foreknowledge of God: John 16
- Jesus is our Ark; Genesis 6:17-22
- Has Anyone Ever Turned on You? - John 12:12-19
- Christ and Him Crucified - 1 Corinthians 2
- The Day of the Lord - Joel
- Crucial to all understanding - Job
- Life in the Kingdom - Luke 6:17-42
- James 4-4 Pick your friends wisely
- Rescue Us - James 4:1-12
- Unwholesome talk - ever heard of it?"
- Faith
- Mennonites Singspirations Service
- Gods new kingdom separation
- "I" Don't Know - Romans 3:4
- What is Real Abundant Life John 10:10
- Gift of Self Control - It's Not about Doing but Being
- Who Are We Trying to Kid
- Celebrate the good news of Jesus Birth
- Christmas eve.2022
- What's Your Plan
- Madrigal Singers Performance
- Don't Follow Your Heart
- Love Not Hate
- One Truth Colossians 1:1-17
- Christ Suffering
- 2 Peter 3:1-18 - False Teachers
- How's Your Relationship
- I Want
- The Source of Our Strength
- The Treasure of God's Word
- What is the word that most describes Christians
- How We Should Live
- John 14:6 - The way, The truth, The life
- Links