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Thank you for visiting Immanuel's website!

Here you will find information concerning our church and its ministries.  Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our church.  If you are considering relocating to our area, we would love to have you be our guest. When you visit our church you will find:

  • A caring congregation that will welcome you
  • Preaching/teaching that is centered on the Word of God
  • Ministries to meet the needs of every age
  • A corporate outlet for truth-filled and moving praise and worship



    Immanuel Baptist Church will be hosting a Two by Two Quartet concert on Saturday, March 29th at 7pm.  They sing both old and new gospel songs.  Refreshments will be served following the evenings performance.  A love offering will taken to help support Two by Two's ministry.  Everyone is invited to join us for a very blessed time.

  • Sunday Morning Services

    If you cannot join us here at Immanuel, Sunday morning services can be viewed here on our website.  We are live streaming our service through this website.  Just click the link at the top of the page that says live streaming at 10:45 am on Sunday mornings.  If you cannot view the service live, it will be recorded and can be viewed at anytime under the sermon tabs.  Thank you for joining us.